Thursday, December 18, 2008

how much can one miss?

its not about missing chances...or well it could be...i just thought of that...more of how much you can miss someone...till you cant even think about them, cause you miss them so much...and theres nothing you can can talk all day or all night...yet feel you arent close just wanna be with the person so badly...i guess its ok to feel it at times...then you appreciate the person that much more...about chances, opportunities or whatever we may refer to them is what you make it...sometimes you just have to go against all those fears...if you dont, you will never know of what could have been....just look at it this way :one chance to live, once chance to do all those things you've been dying to try, one wrong turn and u may not have that chance maybe its about time you embrace each and every the best that you can...potential is there...have is all we need...they say some people are destined for greatness or popularity...just how some people look at it...strive for what you want, learn from those mistakes and never give up!

i miss so many thinking about all the experiences...truly...PRECIOUS

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