Friday, August 29, 2008

P.S. I love you

i always wanted to watch this...from the start when it wasnt even released...but never got 2 it...=( then i dcided...since its the hols..mite as well do stuff i wanted 2 do but never i got my hands on this was released sometime around valentines...a real love story..and those of you who havent watched this yet, dont hesitate to! if u are into the whole romance thing, etc...u'll def. find that u love this was abt this lady Holly who was married to an average guy jerry...hes from ireland...she met him while on a coll trip there...they got married when she was 19...and 9 years later still havent had any children...her xcuse is that she isnt ready 4 kids...they cant even support themselves...they arent rich, they quarrel, but they are still deeply in love..sadly...jerry dies...he has a tumor...holly just never gets over on her 30th b-day she gets a cake and a recording...jerry did it 4 her...coz he knew he wouldnt b around much longer and so he planned the recording he said tht she will b receiving letters...tht tell her to perform a specific task..she followed them and awaited the arrival of each letter...the tasks included going out, karaoke...and a trip with her gal pals..along the journey she realizes that all the tasks are those tht are related to him...things she did with him and only made her remember him much more...she got angry at him...thinking tht hes only making this harder for her...but in the end she realizes that he just wants her to let go...fall in love his life may have ended but hers is still at its beginning...she still has a long ways to go...she visits his family and lastly her mother..and she sleeps with william...jerry's fren while vacationing in ireland...and later on with a fren...(thinks that she loves him)...but then they both realize that frens is all they will ever the last tells her that she wil b ok..and tht his guidance has come to an end...and even she (holly) feels that jerry's pressence is no longer with her...but yet shes happy...finally lets go slightly...but he wil always be in her they say, we should be thankful for the opportunities and xperiences we've had with ppl....and not get upset that it ended...ok yeah, we'll b devasted when things dont go our way...but just b happy that you once had tht person in your goes on...just let things happen as they do and will...dont put a stop to anything!!! =)

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