Monday, April 20, 2009

the 'interesting' beginning of hols

so i got done with finals on thursday...the fun didnt really begin right there...seeing as how some of my friends were only done on saturday...thursday was fun..just the whole feeling of relief and stuff like that...just relaxed that begin on friday friday was packed..was up early...went for a movie...'hes just not that into you'...its a really good movie...talks about relationship rules and how people of the opposite sex often misunderstand each other...then was just hanging etc...things got a bit out of hand at night...i was sorta thinking...less and less things actually scare me...its weird...soon i wont have much i fear of...fear of certain aspects anyways...and then i decided im re-organizing my life...are there any things you wish you've done but have never had the guts to bother? or what about things that are so un-like you? stuff that you would do to perhaps- prove a point? if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment.

i could write alot honestly, brain is over-flowing with inspiration..and haha...about how my hols have been going...i've decided that i CAN get into detail...but im not going to...maybe some things are better left unsaid-- what you dont know wont hurt you; it will just increase your curiosity levels by a whole lot!

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